Welcome to my page dedicated to CVs.

The two CVs posted below reflect my professional expertise in: (1) academic research and teaching and (2) Russian-to-English translation. But first, I’ll give some background and a short record of my working history for context.

Peter Braga 2022 July outside SOAS at UCL.

A photo of me taken 2022, July 11, at UCL.


Some Background

My roots are in Asia—Hong Kong and Macau to be specific. My family on my father’s side is of Portuguese extraction with a long and distinguished history in Hong Kong (S. Braga 2015, 137–164 and 311–342).

I have worked many jobs in as many places. I got my first job when I was 14-years-old flipping burgers at Wendy’s. Until I was 19, I worked mainly minimum wage positions and played in punk/hardcore bands in British Columbia, Canada. 

From 20–27, I did three things in tandem: I worked on my undergraduate degree, played music, and taught English as a second language. My degree kept me based in Victoria, BC, Canada (when I was not studying languages in Taiwan, China, and Russia). My bands took me to many places in Canada. My English teaching took me to Finland, Sweden, China, and Poland.

From 27 onward, I have returned to academia and developed my translation skills.

My CVs

The three pages below comprise my most recent academic CV. Click on the pages to enlarge.

Page 1 of 3 of Peter Braga’s 2022 CV.Page 2 of 3 of Peter Braga’s 2022 CV.Page 3 of 3 of Peter Braga’s 2022 CV.

The single page below is my 2018 translation CV. Click to enlarge.


Braga, S. (2015). Making impressions: a Portuguese family in Macau and Hong Kong, 1700-1945. Macau: Instituto Internacional de Macau. Available at: